IAM&AW Local Lodge 847

Serving the Active, Laid-Off, and Retired Members of LL 847



Local Lodge 847 is on Facebook.
Click here facebookto follow us.
For the fastest up to date information about
our union.

Local Lodge 847 Monthly Meeting will be held onÂ

Sunday June 9, 2024
The meeting will begin at 6 PM
Regular order of Bussiness

LL847 Scholarship Competition
applications are available now. deadline is July 12, 2024.

See Joe Leary, Joe Cron or David Uhrin for an application


If you are called into a meeting with a management representative and you have reason to believe that disciplinary action against you or other member’s may result, you have the right to have a steward present during this meeting. Read the statement below to the management representative, and contact your steward immediately.


“If this discussion could in any way lead to my being disciplined
or terminated,
or affect my personal working conditions,
I request that my union representative,
officer, or steward be
present at the meeting. Without representation, I choose not

to answer any question.”

“This is my right under a U.S. Supreme Court decision
called Weingarten Rights.â€

Please Report any broken links or suggestions to Webmaster

Please remember that communications about official Union business should be made in writing through the normal chain of command, such as through a steward, local lodge official, or Business Representative, as appropriate. This web site is not a substitute for official communications.
This site is ALWAYS under construction according to the wants, needs, and desires of the membership.


IAM&AW Local Lodge 847 copyright 2024